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Marley is the co-founder of The YouTube Lead Machine with Steve J Larsen. Their mission is to help entrepreneurs unlock the immense business-building power of YouTube and transform their businesses into daily lead generation engines and money-printing machines!


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Lower Your Ad Spend with Video (Video Marketing 2019)

How to Batch Film Your Content (6 Months of Content in 3 Days!)

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Create 60 days of social media and video content in 8 hours

The VIP Code Case Study

Facebook ads. Instagram. Commercials. Pinterest. Billboard!

Regardless of whichever marketing strategy you use in your business, you’ll need to invest financially somewhere. Those who are ahead of the game reach their audience and bring in potential customers to their business every day while lowering their ad costs.

While Facebook ads can be an amazing way to increase your visibility, there’s more competition than ever. And more competition means ad costs go up, and this can become a point of constraint for businesses. You can continue to push through the budgets for ad costs that might bring you a few leads a month, or you can do it a different way that has the potential to reach an even bigger audience while driving costs down.

Here’s how I was able to lower my ad costs while still bringing in just as much, if not more, leads to my services. Before we get started, I want to show you the exact method so you can start implementing today. Get the exact strategy, step-by-step, that I used to lower my ad costs while bringing in more leads to my business.

Most of us use Facebook ads. I do, too. But, it’s not the only thing that I rely on. I’m also relying on my video assets, and here’s the reason why.

When you post something on Facebook, how long does it last? After a day, two, it disappears in the algorithm, right? Because it’s a social media platform, and the amount of content is just over-saturated. When you use YouTube as the search engine it is, you have the ability to create omnipresent video assets that last, that give you legacy positioning and positioning for profit, because people are typing in, looking for the solutions that you solve. In every single video have that call to action of, “Click the link below,” “Get on my email list,” “Allow me to nurture you.” It’s like renting versus owning. Renting the space on Facebook means you have to keep paying to play. If you want those posts to keep showing and keep getting in front of your audience, you have to keep paying for it to keep showing up.

On YouTube, it’s the opposite. It may take more of an upfront investment of your time, and maybe resources, like hiring a video editor to make that video for you, but now you own that space. And when you use YouTube SEO so that you can show up in the top rankings, that video will last so much longer than Facebook.

We have a client, for example, with our strategy, who gets over 100 leads per day using these omnipresent video assets. Now, if you compare that to what your cost per lead was on Facebook ads, let’s say if you’re paying three dollars per lead, and if you were spending $300 to get 100 leads per day, that cost adds up, doesn’t it? Or, you can put that ROI into your YouTube videos. This is the entire strategy that I want to share with you, is that when you can create videos, position them on YouTube using YouTube SEO, knowing what your audience is looking for and ranking in those top spots, intriguing them and gaining their interest because of the way that you present your messaging, and then use that omnipresent traffic and conversion to bring them towards your call to action, this way you’re not limited to YouTube, but you can also use that video to repurpose it for your Facebook, for your Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn to bring warm traffic to your funnel and build your remarketing lists.

If you’re the kind of person reading this right now thinking, “Oh, my gosh. Filming YouTube videos? Isn’t that really time consuming?” I’d love to know, comment below. Let me know how much time you actually spend filming each month for any of your social media platforms. Because what I want to share with you is how we filmed 60 days of social media and video content in only eight hours in a FREE masterclass. It’s going to show you not only how we do that, how we batch all our content and how we script it, but also the YouTube SEO so that you can get your videos ranking in that top spot.

Because if you just upload it, set it and forget it, you may as well just be throwing your content to the wind. It’s not going to make the difference that I’m telling you is going to get you ranking and getting in those top spots, instead of spending your money renting versus owning that space, that real estate, on YouTube.

So, what we do is, we batch film 60 days of social media and video content in only eight hours. We script out our video ideas, we bullet point everything we want to talk about, we make sure that every single video has a call to action that’s going to drive people to the email list, get them on that email list, be able to nurture them, and then drive them towards a sale.

What we do is, instead of filming one video at a time, I used to do this, every single Sunday I would set up my camera, I would think of what to talk about, I didn’t film with any sort of format in mind, so that made the editing impossible. It would take me an entire day to film one video. So, I hear your pain when you think that this is time-consuming and takes a lot of work, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

What you can do is batch film your content. When you can film 60 days of social media and video content in eight hours, and then be able to repurpose it so you have it for YouTube, you have it for Facebook, for Instagram, for Instagram stories, IGTV, Pinterest, blogs, email lists, the sky is the limit. So, you have just saved time, money, resources, and positioned yourself for profit by using YouTube as the search engine it is. You can still put these videos as Video View Ads or engagement ads on Facebook, and what that’s going to do is, it’s going to really help you to build your remarketing list, and do it at a lower cost.

When we’re using this video content and running ads to it on Facebook, now we’re able to build up that remarketing list and warm up our audience. So, now when we are running ads towards our webinars, or our conversions, or some sort of traffic ads, we’re now sending it to the warm traffic who’s seen all of our videos, because now they know they can trust us through the power of video.

I want to hear from you below. Tell me, how much time are you spending on your videos right now? And how much are you looking forward to only spending eight hours every 60 days when you’re creating 60 days worth of social media and video content. It’s going to be a game changer, I promise you. And when it is, I want you to screenshot yourself filming, put it on your Instagram stories, and tag me, @marley_baird, and I’ll see you soon.

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