When you’re building out a new program or product, you have a target audience in mind. But who are you making YouTube videos for? That same audience? Not exactly.
Hey everybody! This is Marley Jaxx and welcome to the world of video, impact, and profit – or as I like to call it, the VIP Code.
Before we jump into today’s episode, if you’re ready to drive massive impact and profit through video for your business, I’ve got good news – my next 21 Days To Infinite Video Impact Challenge is starting up soon! Head to InfiniteImpactChallenge.com now to learn more and join the Infinite Impact Army.
There are many ways that YouTube is different from other social media out there, but the one we’re going to talk about today is really critical to getting visibility on your YouTube channel.
When you’re posting a story on Instagram or even planning out a new program for your value ladder, you know who you’re talking to. You have a very clear idea of your target audience and how they ended up watching your Instagram story. You can talk to them like friends, and showcase the behind-the-scenes of your business because it’s safe to say the people watching are followers of your movement.
But here’s where you hit a wall with YouTube: if you create videos for the people who are already warm to your content and understand your business, you’re not appealing to search queries. You’re “preaching to the choir”, so to speak.
If somebody in my 21-day challenge, for example, asks me to critique one of their chosen YouTube video titles, I’ll often say that it’s either too broad or too specific. With proper keyword research, you can determine which keywords are way too popular to rank for and which ones are too specific to appeal to anyone who doesn’t already follow your movement.
Here’s what you need to remember: while your IG stories and even podcast episodes are more behind-the-scenes content that your warm audience wants to get more acquainted with, your YouTube videos are specifically created for cold audiences who may not know that your niche or your solution to their problem exists yet.
By the way, if you’re brand new to these phrases like “behind-the-scenes content”, check out my previous podcast episodes that walk you through the visibility ladder!
As you experiment with keyword research, you might find that it takes some time to find keywords that hit that sweet spot between too broad and too specific. Especially if you’re involved in the weight loss industry or cooking of any kind – these are extremely popular topics on YouTube, so it’s going to take some extra work to identify keywords that you’ll actually be able to rank for. But that doesn’t mean it’s a lost cause!
Plus, as you grow on YouTube, you’ll be able to target some of those more popular keywords because you’ll have much more authority on the platform.
For instance, years ago, I made a video about Canva – a free graphic design platform. That video is still ranking for terms like “canva tutorial” and brings in leads for my business every single day. You’ll notice that I don’t have a graphic design business and I don’t talk about Canva in my paid programs; but this video provides an entrypoint for a cold audience that is more than likely interested in learning about content and video marketing.
Don’t forget, guys – if you want a complete crash course in the visibility ladder, plus 3 weeks worth of powerful content marketing guidance, go to InfiniteImpactChallenge.com right now and sign up for that next challenge.
Thank you so much for listening to the VIP Code! Be sure to subscribe to this podcast, share it with your friends and on social media; we have a lot of really exciting VIP content coming your way. Until next time, I’m Marley Jaxx and this has been the VIP Code podcast.