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Marley is the co-founder of The YouTube Lead Machine with Steve J Larsen. Their mission is to help entrepreneurs unlock the immense business-building power of YouTube and transform their businesses into daily lead generation engines and money-printing machines!


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How to Find Your Niche Market in Business (Entrepreneur Tips)


How to Find Your Niche Market in Business (Entrepreneur Tips)


How to Create 60 Days of Social Media and Video Content in 8 Hours

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Imagine walking into a grocery store to find everything but groceries. That’s the kind of feeling that your audience would get if they stumbled upon your content that’s promising expertise on whatever your niche is, but instead got a stack of unrelated things like reviews on the latest makeup trends, fashion hauls, health tips. The most successful businesses and content creators already know that to blow up, you have to niche down. We all have a niche, our expertise that’s something that we get excited about and sets our soul on fire.

Popular belief would have you choosing something that you’re really good at, or really love as your niche. But that’s not always the case. It goes deeper than that. It can be the thing that builds you a profitable business around that thing that your audience is searching for.

So how do you find your niche? Start with a brain dump of every topic, every industry that you want to tap into, something that you’re good at, something that you’ve mastered, a skill that you have, and also relates to how you want to make a difference, and how you want to show up to the world. Now don’t be alarmed if your brain dump is huge at first, that’s what we want. That’s what brainstorming is for, which leads us to the next step. This is how you’re going to pick your niche. Go through that whole brain dump, like just brain dump everything on paper, but then pick your top four. Now from your top four, create another list underneath to niche down even further. So for example, if one of my topics is selling candles, I can get even more specific by asking, “For what?” Selling candles for aromatherapy. And even more specific than that, “For who?” Selling candles for aromatherapy for entrepreneurs that’s proven to increase productivity. Boom! That’s a niche right there. So instead of casting such a wide net, feeling like I can reach everyone, everyone wants these candles.

The riches are in the niches. Now, I know, how do you say niche? Actually, I’d love to know. How do you say “niche”? Do you say niche or niche? Comment below. That’s going to be really confusing if you guys comment by just spelling the word niche or niche so make sure you sound it out phonetically. How do you say it, niche or niche? I want you to find out what is your niche. How are you reaching down so that you can reach a wider audience by having a smaller pool of exactly who you want to reach with this?

And the next step, be polarizing. Stand up for what you believe in and make it clear that you’re against the opposite. The best way to build a movement is by showing what you stand for and who you’re advocating for, and then also, what you’re against, what you don’t want to be. And this is what’s going to create push-pull language. It’s going to push the people away that you don’t want to work with, and it’s going to pull the people to you that are specifically your target demographic. And you might think at first, especially every entrepreneur when they first start is they think, I want to work with everyone. I want to be the person that can help everyone with everything. But here’s the problem with that is that you can’t.

If you think that you can help everyone, you will help no one. There’s a lot of people out there that they start by saying yes to everything, which also means that they’re saying no to something else. So when you’re saying yes to something, ask yourself what opportunity you might be turning down. Let me also give you an example of where I needed to create a push-pull language. When I first started, I wanted to just do social media for anybody. You have this kind of business, you sell this kind of product, I can do it, I can promote anything. But then I also attracted people to me that were confused about what it was that they sold or what their message was, or just wasn’t clear on who they were. But then also I attracted people to me that weren’t in alignment with my values. But how would they know because I wasn’t clear on who I actually wanted to work with and what my message was.

So I attracted people to me that I didn’t align with what it was that they had to offer. I actually had someone that came to me saying, “I’m a dating coach.” And it turned out that they were a “How to Get Women in Bed in 30 Minutes or Less”. And I couldn’t stand behind that. So that was an opportunity that really showed me I have to know where to say no, and I have to know how to do that push-pull language to draw to me who exactly I want to work with and also repel who I don’t want to work with. So remember that saying: “yes is important and also knowing the opportunities that are good to say no to.”

The importance of niching down is that you want to become the top of mind for people when they need a go-to for a topic that they’re searching for. You become THE expert on this topic. Even when they weren’t searching for it, when they first discovered you, but because they came across your content, and you were so polarizing and knowledgeable, they have no other choice but to come to you because they know, like, and trust you, you’re top of mind, and which makes you the go-to in your industry.

Whenever you talk about your industry, you want to remain in your zone of genius and be consistent. So making sure that your niche down and also what it is that you provide to your audience, but how you put that message out there.

So if you’re all over the place, I’m sure you can think of those entrepreneurs or people you follow where it’s like, all of a sudden they’re selling this and then they’re selling this and it’s like, where did that come from? It’s not in alignment, which makes it really confusing and doesn’t help when it comes to someone making the decision to work with them or buy from them because it’s sporadic. You don’t want to be sporadic.

Once you’ve honed in on your niche and your sub-niches, create another list of content that you can come up with within your sub-niche. So for example, selling aromatherapy candles for entrepreneurs to increase productivity. So then think of scents that release certain chemicals in the brain that these entrepreneurs might want. Maybe that’s a great topic of content for you. Candles that are toxic and to be avoided. That’s another great conversational piece or a great piece of content for people to know about what it is that you provide, and it’s great value for them. Or another one, candles and productivity, are they related? Are they? You tell me. If that’s your niche, I want to know. And that’s something that for a viewer for a potential audience, I want to know how is it that your product can change my life and give me another benefit on top of just candles that smell good. If that gives me more efficiency and productivity, that certainly changes my life. And I need to know that by the content that you’re putting out there.

If you can create a lot of content within your niche and your sub-niche, you’re better able to build a profitable business. And when creating content, I recommend looking at the search volume so that you know you’re on par with what people are looking for. We use tools like Google Keyword Planner or Keywords Everywhere to see “Are people actually looking for this when they Google something? Is this something that people actually want?” So in this case, because I’m selling aromatherapy candles for entrepreneurs to increase productivity, I would look at the keywords like productivity, entrepreneurs and increasing productivity, and even the benefits of aromatherapy candles. This step is so important because even if your niche is in your zone of genius, you want to be searchable for the audience that you’re looking for. And if you don’t have an audience, if your audience that you want to reach doesn’t know that you’re solving a problem that they have, if they don’t know the problem, it’s not a problem. So you have to look for something that your audience actually needs and create products and services based on that.

Now that you have your exact niche, you can be more confident in creating quality content that your true believers will resonate with. And remember, the more you niche down, the more you can blow up. And if you need support in creating content, I would love for you to check out my free training called “How to Create 60 Days of Social Media and Video Content in Eight Hours”. It’s an absolutely free masterclass training and no pitch at the end. Just take a look, you can download that and dive in and be able to create a ton of content in a little amount of time.

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