I’ve learned more than a podcast episode’s worth of lessons about video marketing since starting my YouTube channel back in 2016… but there are 3 tips that really pack a punch when it comes to making impactful videos, and I want to share them with you today!
Hey everybody! This is Marley Jaxx and welcome to the world of video, impact, and profit – or as I like to call it, the VIP Code.
Before we get into today’s episode, if you want to really dial in your content strategy and drive massive impact and profit through video for your business, go ahead and type infiniteimpactchallenge.com into your search bar, because you need my 21 Days To Infinite Video Impact Challenge. The next challenge is starting up soon and I want to see you there!
I’ve been on YouTube for years, and when I look back on my old videos, a lot has changed. I’m not just talking about my hair colour or the background of my videos, but my whole mindset and the structure of my filming day has changed dramatically and for the better.
If you’re brand new to making videos and you feel like you’re just not coming across the way you want to or the finished product isn’t what you thought it would be, I get it. I have been there 100 times over.
If you’re in that situation, I highly recommend listening to some of my older podcast episodes if you’re a new subscriber – and definitely participating in my 21-day challenge, because it can improve your ability to create impactful videos so much in just 3 weeks.
But if you’re looking for some little tweaks or tips that you can incorporate into your videos today, let me pass on 3 of my most valuable tips.
If you listened to my last podcast episode, you heard about my history in radio and how I learned that “overperforming” will actually help your videos in the long run. Of course, you want to come across as authentic – but stepping up the energy really makes a difference from a viewer perspective.
So that’s my first tip for you – know the mood of the video, know your intention, and ask yourself what level of energy you need for this video… and then perform at about 2 or 3 notches higher than that level. By controlling the energy in the room and raising it to the level it needs to be, your video will be so much more alluring and exciting to watch.
Moving onto Tip #2, which is related to the first one because it’s all about energy… Create a filming day playlist that you can rely on to amp up that energy. Again, it’s just a simple idea – but it can totally transform your videos. Whether it’s Beyonce who gives you that fierceness and energy you need, or you prefer listening to heavy metal – whatever works for you and gets you in the filming zone.
Tip #3 is to imagine who you’re talking to when you’re filming. I do this all the time, whether I’m speaking to camera or doing a Facebook Live with my webcam, or doing an IG story on my phone. The camera itself is just metal and plastic, so it’s not exactly the most warm and welcoming audience, but when you imagine who you’re talking to, you’re able to humanize the experience and really resonate with your viewers.
If you’re an active listener of the podcast or a student in the challenge, I know you have a ton of strategies and tactics up your sleeve for filming day – and these ones might not be life-changing for you.
But for those of you who are brand new to the space, maybe you haven’t even made your first video yet… taking advantage of these 3 tips can really set you off on the right foot for a future of impactful content.
When I look at my older videos from before I knew these tips, I can definitely tell the difference. Even these small changes have allowed me to grow the audience I have today.
If you’re looking to make some major changes to your content strategy and drive massive impact and profit through video for your business, don’t forget to head to InfiniteImpactChallenge.com to join the next 21 Days To Infinite Video Impact Challenge.
Thank you so much for listening to the VIP Code! Be sure to subscribe to this podcast, share it with your friends and on social media; we have a lot of really exciting VIP content coming your way. Until next time, I’m Marley Jaxx and this has been the VIP Code podcast.